
6 May 2013

Penutup Makalah Bahasa Inggris

Penutup Makalah B.inggris

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
Dalam membuat sebuah makalah maupun proposal itu harus ada kata pengantar, pendahuluan, isi dan penutup. Dan  kali ini saya akan memposting “Penutup Sebuah Makalah dalam Bahasa Inggris”.
Contoh penutup makalah (kritik dan SARAN) :
Similarly, we can describe the material that is the subject of this proposal, of course, there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses, because they lack the knowledge and the lack of reference or the reference has to do with the title of this proposal. Author much hope dear readers, providing constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfect proposal to the author in the writing of the proposal in the next opportunities.
Hopefully this paper is useful for writers in particular are also dear readers in general. Such review this time, may be useful for you and also inspire.

Penutup sebuah makalah atau proposal itu terdiri dari Kritik dan saran (seperti diatas) dan juga penutup makalah itu sendiri ( Harus sesuai dengan isi makalah atau proposal ).
Contoh penutup makalah (Penutup) :
Saya akan memposting penutup makalah tentang Cara Membuat Nasi Goreng. Seperti yang saya sudah jelaskan diatas penutup makalah (penutup) itu harus sesuai dengan isi makalah atau proposal itu sendiri).

That is an easy way to make fried rice, will have to try when cooking in a happy mood. Because it turns out the feeling when cooking can affect flavors. If you do not get along with instructions to make fried rice on top of it does not need to be applied. Ignore it and use the recipe to make fried rice you want.
Untuk lebih jelasnya perhatikan dibawah ini :

INFERENCE  (Penutup)

That is an easy way to make fried rice, will have to try when cooking in a happy mood. Because it turns out the feeling when cooking can affect flavors. If you do not get along with instructions to make fried rice on top of it does not need to be applied. Ignore it and use the recipe to make fried rice you want.
(Harus sesuai dengan isi makalah/proposal)

SUGGESTION  (Kritik dan Saran)

Similarly, we can describe the material that is the subject of this proposal, of course, there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses, because they lack the knowledge and the lack of reference or the reference has to do with the title of this proposal. Author much hope dear readers, providing constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfect proposal to the author in the writing of the proposal in the next opportunities.
Hopefully this paper is useful for writers in particular are also dear readers in general. Such review this time, may be useful for you and also inspire.

Demikian ulasan singkat tentang penutup sebuah makalah versi bahasa Inggris.
Dan jika ada kata kata yang menyinggung saya minta maaf yang sebesar-besanya.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb


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